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[[Image:Clinical Desktop Add Remove Items 1.jpg]]
[[Image:Clinical Desktop Add Remove Items 3.jpg]]

Revision as of 15:11, 1 September 2009

The Clinical Desktop View is a view of all of the patient information the clinician, physician or user needs to be able to care for a patient. With the Allscripts Touchworks v11 Clinical Desktop each user will have the ability to create their own view(s).

Clinical Desktop View Starter Sets - Allscripts provides a standard starter set of Clinical Desktop Views; Organizations can use what’s provided, modify them or build their own view(s).

Security - Users must have a security classification containing the “Workspace View Edit” security code assigned to them to be able to create or edit their Clinical Desktop Views. This security clearance will activate the “edit” button in the Clinical Desktop.

Full Screen Display – At any time users can view one particular components information all by itself, by checking the box “Open in Full Screen Display”.

Create Clinical Desktop View

We'll configure a Clinical Desktop View using View 4.

Log in to TouchWorks as an administrative user.

Click Work Def Admin from the vertical toolbar.


  • Select Enterprise to create a view that can be assigned to users in multiple organizations
  • Select a specific organization to create a view that can only be assigned to users in one organization

From the Workspace Definition Administrations workspace click Add/Edit Desktop View on the bottom left of workspace.


The Edit View Dialog window will appear. Here you’ll see the default view, which in this example is the Pediatric Patient View utilizing View 3. You will also see the 8 Views you can pick from to create a new view.


Let’s create a new view named 'Dr Heartbeat' using View 4.

Click the “New…” button. The Create New View box will appear. Type in a New View Name


Click OK

Click on the View you’d like to create. 555.jpg

This example uses View 4, so when chosen, view 4 appears on my screen. 666.jpg

Next, decide which of these Components you want in each workspace.


Let’s say we want to view the following Components in the workspace on the left: Allergies, Meds/Orders and Problem. Check the boxes associated with Allergies, Meds/Orders and Problem Click the “Add Selected” button in the left side workspace.


Now I’ll add Health Management Plan and Chart Viewer in the top right workspace and Encounter and Patient Worklist in the bottom right workspace.


Note: If a Worklist View is assigned to a user, the Worklist View will be accessible from the Clinical Desktop View for that user, even if the checkbox for that view is not selected in Work Def Admin. See: Q: Why do Worklist Views that were not selected in Work Def Admin display in the Clinical Desktop view?

Click Apply to save the view and stay on this page, or click OK to save view and return to the main page and Vertical Tool Bar or click Cancel to cancel the action.

Add or Remove Items from a Component

Select the component that you would like to Add or Remove Items from by clicking on the tab. In the example I am going to Remove Items from the Health Management Plan.

Clinical Desktop Add Remove Items 3.jpg

Next, Check or UnCheck the Items you would like to Remove. In the example, I will Remove all Items except FlowSheets, VitalSigns/Findings, and Normative Growth.

Clinical Desktop Add Remove Items 2.jpg

Click Apply to Save Changes and continue Editing this View.

(? add instruction to remane components, set default item, set item sort and edit buttons)

(? add example how to 'split' a component by addin 2 copies, unchecking items and renaming each)

(? add instruction on how to set as default view)

(? add link to assign views to organizational roles)

(? add link to assign views to individual users)

Full Screen Display view

This view allows you to view one component's information at a time. Simply, check the "Open in Full SCreen Display" and then click on the component you'd like to open for viewing.


How to remove Views

To remove a view you created and no longer need

Important! -Both Desktop Views and Note Views populate the list together. If you try to delete a view in the following steps using the Add/Edit Desktop View button, but don't see it in the list then its under Add/Edit Note View.


First- Select whether the view you want to delete/edit is an Enterprise or Organization view


Next- select the view you wish to delete and make sure it is not assigned to any users


Then- click the Add/Edit Desktop View or Add/Edit Note View depending on which type you wish to delete/edit


If you are in the right view editor (Desktop vs. Note), your selected view will be showing in the list- click the delete button to delete


Your view is now deleted!