
From Galen Healthcare Solutions - Allscripts TouchWorks EHR Wiki
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  • Provider Driven Webinars - These are useful for provider to provider training where one provider is really good at doing something within the system and sharing this info with other providers would be beneficial.
  • Pocket Guides for end users - Pocket sized reference materials that are role specific (e.g. workflows, immunization names, lab panel analytes)
  • Enterprise EHR 101 Classes - Basic training classes of one to two hours where the users learn EHR abbreviations (ACI, NAW), terms (Medcin Findings, Workplaces/spaces, View) and basic functionality.
  • Advanced Role Specific Training (e.g. Provider, Clinical Staff, Front Desk, Super users)
  • Competency Evaluations - To identify areas of weakness and/or areas where training could be improved. Would typically be done in the weeks post deployment, where an analyst would shadow users and check them off as they perform specific competency items during their normal daily routine.
  • Tips and Tricks - To ensure that learning is an ongoing process, weekly emails can be sent to users which detail new/better ways of doing things that they normally do within the EHR.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Can be posted as a link that is easily accessible to users, where they can find answers to their frequently asked questions.
  • Simulation events prior to go live can make all the difference.
  • Evaluation/Assessment Questions


Training Tips and Tricks