Upgrade Interface Enablement and Validation

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For each AE-EHR inbound interface source-target pair:

Environment Step
PROD Enable target pass-thru system
UPGRADE Enable source system, allow for ~10-50 messages to file, then stop source system
PROD/UPGRADE Troubleshoot any connectivity issues between production pass-thru target and upgrade source system
UPGRADE Enable target system, allowing messages to file to the EHR
UPGRADE Process and disposition any resulting errors in the target

For each AE-EHR outbound interface superset source-target pair:

Environment Step
UPGRADE Enable interface superset (One superset per AE-EHR DB instance)
UPGRADE Process and disposition any resulting errors in the superset source
UPGRADE Enable target system (Blocking by MRN should block most messages - only messages with MRNs existing in "Upgrade - Patients to allow" table will process and send outbound)
PROD Enable source pass-thru system
PROD/UPGRADE Troubleshoot any connectivity issues between upgrade target and production pass-thru system

Basic Interface Smoke-Test Plans:

Outbound interfaces

  1. Trigger the outbound event against test patients whose MRN exists in the “Upgrade – Patients to allow” table:
    1. Submit charge(s), iterating through the different charge scenarios for your organization (diagnosis, special billing, modifiers, referring provider, etc.)
    2. Place order(s), iterating through the different order scenarios for your organization (routine/stat, link to problem, patient insurance, cancellation – EIE/Discontinued, etc.)
    3. Execute dictation(s), iterating through the different scenarios for your organization (routine/stat, handheld/desktop, from structured note dictation maker, etc.)
    4. Customize for any other outbound interfaces
    5. Verify that the corresponding messages are received and processed by the UPGRADE interface superset source system.
    6. Verify that the corresponding messages are processed by the UPGRADE interface target system
    7. Verify that the corresponding messages are processed by the PROD interface source system
    8. Validate that the proper data is received by the vendor
    9. Bidirectional considerations
      1. If you are testing a bi-directional interface, have the vendor send back the appropriate corresponding inbound message to the AE-EHR (i.e. a corresponding result message for an order, corresponding transcription for a dictation, etc).


Best Practice Interface Testing

It is recommended to use the standard AHS interface test plans as a starting point for testing. By no means is this an exhaustive test case set and as such you should modify the test plans in accordance with your organization’s configuration and needs. All testing should be fully documented in a spreadsheet with the following serving as minimal data capture:

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient X
Patient Name (Include Leading Zeros if applicable) Patient MRN or MPI
Patient Org
Shared or Non Shared Org
Category Data to be Validated Pass / Fail Data Sent Pass / Fail Data Sent Pass / Fail Data Sent
EX: PID EX: MRN, FirstName, LastName PASS
Expected: MRN XXX, FirstName XXX, LastName XXX
Actual: MRN XXX, FirstName XXX, LastName XXX