17.1 Updated Preferences

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The following tables contain a list of all the net-new preferences in Allscripts TouchWorks 17.1. Please see Main Page for a full listing of .NET Preferences.


Preference Values Personalize? Description
CED(Subkey: CVE View Default Blank User can override Determines the default view that are displayed when viewing an imported clinical exchange document (CED) in Document Viewer using the Community CVE Interactive Viewer Service. CED(Subkey:CVE Interactive Viewer Service API) and CED (Sukey Interactive Viewer Service URL) preferences must also be configured in order to use the interactive viewer.
Enable eCoupon at Point of Prescribing Y/N N (preference set at Ent/Org level Enables user to search for and display eCoupons for a medication in context during the workflow. If set to Yes, applicable coupons are displayed for the medication in context. If set to No, the application will not check for coupons and none will display for the medication in context.


Medication (Meds)

Preference Values Personalize? Description
MaxDaystoRetainDistributedCoupon Integer Minutes User cannot override Determines the number of days to keep a distributed coupon for printing, faxing, viewing, or sending. This preference can be set to any number of days, starting at 7 - 70. Default is 7.



Preference Values Personalize? Description
CED (Subkey: Transformation Service API Key) API Key User cannot override This preference contains the API key for authorizing the use of Community Transform Service (TaaS) service. The TaaS conversion service converts CDA and CXD to CDA document types. Contact Allscripts for the API key value for your enterprise or site.
CED (Subkey: TaaS CCD URL) URL User cannot override This preference contains the URL for the Community Transform Service (TaaS) service which is used for generating a CCD from a CXD document.
CED (Subkey: TaaS CS URL) URL User cannot override This preference contains the URL for the Community Transform Service (TaaS) service which is used for generating a Clinical Summary (CS) type document from a CXD document.