Create Role-Based Test Users

From Galen Healthcare Solutions - Allscripts TouchWorks EHR Wiki
Revision as of 15:20, 26 January 2010 by Michael.Ficociello (talk | contribs)
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The use of role-based test users eliminates a possible confounding variable and legal liability risk from the troubleshooting process. This will save time during troubleshooting on golive Monday and lead to faster resolution of issues during the critical “first impression” period.

SA and other users should not be used for testing or troubleshooting because they will often have security, preferences and other settings for multiple roles

Please download File:Role-Based Test Users.jpg and use it to document your test users.

The roles in the worksheet are just examples. Please delete the content and include role based test users for all the roles you will have in your live system. These are for testing and troubleshooting purposes so if you have a sub-group of users with unique settings you will want to create a separate role based test user with that sub-group’s specific settings.

Examples would be floating nurses with their own preference settings or custom specialty*

For floating nurses preference setting example see:

For floating nurses custom specialty example see: