V11.1.1 Touchworks Communication Picklist

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Picklists are short lists of selectable items within TouchWorks. Picklists are made up of defined values from dictionaries. Picklists can be created for Communication Methods, in order to establish a set of communication mehtods connected to an Orderable item. For Example, creating a communication picklist for Perscriptions will include all of the ways a physician may communicate that order (Call in Rx, Write Rx, Fax Rx etc.)

To create global picklists review the process here SSMT: OID - Orderable Item Dictionary

In Order to create a communications Picklist:

  • Login as TWAdmin
  • Navigate to Dictionaries from the Vertical Tool Bar
  • Select the Communication Dictionary


Select Picklist from the bottom of the screen


This will open a Communication Picklist dialoog box


Select create picklist in the bottom right hand corner of the dialog box


A pop up window will appear in which you will name your new picklist


Type a name for your picklist and click on OK. The picklist name will now appear in the communication picklist window. Select the picklist you just created and click Add Entry.


This will open a the "Add Entries" window. In this window select the communication methods in the left hand window that you want as options in this particular picklist, one at a time and then click the add button. When your list is complete, click on OK.



Now, on the front end, when the physician goes to perscribe medication they have all of these options in a pull down menu for communication
