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==Create Teams as Users==
The team list is at the enterprise level and for large organizations can become long and difficult to navigate through when assigning tasks. For this situation, a false user can be created instead of a team and the Assigned To filter can be set to the false user. This allows users to add the false user to their user list favorites instead of searching through the entire list of teams.
For example:
New World Health has a dermatology practice with three front desk staff.
# VTB: TWUser Admin > HTB User Admin
# User Type: User
# Last Name: NWH Dermatology
# First Name: Front Desk
# Email: email@email.com
# Organization: Select the Organization the (team?) belongs to
# User Name: NWHDermatologyFrontDesk (no spaces)
# Default Site: Select the Site the (team?) belongs to
# Password: password
# Profession: Other
# Save
# VTB: TWUser Admin > HTB User Admin
A user is created called "Front Desk Staff". A task view is then created called "Front Desk Tasks" and the Assigned To filter set to "Front Desk Staff". This task view is then assigned to all the front desk users. Doctors can then assign tasks to "Front Desk Staff" and all users assigned the view "Front Desk Tasks" can see it.)
==(Review Defualt Overdue Time Settings)==
==(Review Defualt Overdue Time Settings)==

Revision as of 14:30, 1 July 2008

High Level Process for Upgrades

There are several new Tasks in v11

  1. Review the new tasks that come delivered with v11
    • Review default over due time settings and modify if desired
  2. Review current task views and add new tasks to the appropriate views
  3. Determine if any new task views need to be created
    • Determine if any new teams are needed to assign to new task views
    • Assign any new task views to the appropriate users


  • The team list is at the enterprise level and for large organizations can become long and difficult to navigate through when assigning tasks. For this situation, a false user can be created instead of a team and the Assigned To filter can be set to the false user. This allows users to add the false user to their user list favorites instead of searching through the entire list of teams.
  • Create a task view for 'All tasks created by me today' Useful for finding misplaced tasks.

Review New V11 Tasks

  • A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet describing all tasks is available from the Allscripts Knowledge Base: kb.allscripts.com doc # 3350. It does not indicate which tasks are new in v11.
  • The spreadsheet can be filtered or sorted by module to focus on only the modules the client has.
  • The following link goes to a Wiki version sorted by Module: v11 Tasks

Task Views Overview

  • Enterprise task views can be created and assigned to multiple users.
  • One or more personal views can be created for each individual user.
  • A user can access their personal and/or assigned enterprise views via dropdown.
  • One of these views must be designated as the default display.
  • Enterprise views and default views should be created and assigned based on roles.
  • Personal views should be used only to accommodate a user's personal preferences.

Add Tasks to Views - Edit/Create Views

  1. 'TWAdmin' VTB > 'Task Admin' HTB >
  2. Select 'Enterprise Views' or 'Personal Views' tab
  3. The 'View:' field displays the name of the task view being created, edited or deleted.
  4. To edit or delete existing views, type the name into the 'View' field and click 'Go'. Leave 'View' field and click 'Go' to bring up the entire list of existing (enterprise?) views.
  5. To create a new view, click 'New'.
  6. Always enter a description of the view.


Configure one or more filters to limit the tasks displayed

  1. Use the left and right buttons to add or remove filters from the view.
  2. Multiple values can be selected for the same filter.
    Multiple values.jpg


  • Assigned To displays only tasks assigned to the user or users selected.

The Team option will return tasks assigned to a particular team. The team list is at the enterprise level and for large organizations can become long and difficult to navigate through when assigning tasks. For this situation, a false user can be created instead of a team and the Assigned To filter can be set to the false user. This allows users to add the false user to their user list favorites instead of searching through the entire list of teams.

  • Created displays only tasks created on a certain day or range of days.
  • Created By displays only tasks created by the user or users selected.
  • Delegated hides or displays delegated tasks.(needs verification)

(needs verification)If a doctor has tasks assigned to her that she has delegated. She may not want to see them in her task view.

  • Overdue displays only overdue tasks.
  • Patient displays only tasks related to the patient in context.
  • Priority displays only tasks with the selected priority or priorities.
  • Status displays only tasks with the selected status or statuses.

When filtering for tasks with status "Active", "In Progess" must also be selected because "In Progress" tasks are active tasks that are currently being worked.

  • Task displays only the task types selected.

Configure one or more sorts to organize the tasks displayed

Note: Sorts will be executed in order.

Assign Views to Users

This can be done manually or through SSMT. When assigning a large amount of views SSMT is the preferred method.


  1. Select 'Manage Personal' tab
  2. Select a user from the 'Views For:' dropdown or click 'All' to search all users.(who are the users in the dropdown?)
    Select user.jpg
  3. To Add enterprise task views to the user, select the view in the lower table and click 'Add to My Views'.
  4. To Remove views from a user, select the view in the upper table and click "Remove"
    • If the selected view is a personal view, the system will display a warning before deleting the view.
  5. Select the default view for the user by selecting a view from the upper table and clicking 'Set as Default'.
    • The view selected as default cannot be removed. To remove the default view, make another view the default.


(add SSMT steps specific to assigning views to users)


Create Teams as Users

The team list is at the enterprise level and for large organizations can become long and difficult to navigate through when assigning tasks. For this situation, a false user can be created instead of a team and the Assigned To filter can be set to the false user. This allows users to add the false user to their user list favorites instead of searching through the entire list of teams. For example: New World Health has a dermatology practice with three front desk staff.

  1. VTB: TWUser Admin > HTB User Admin
  2. User Type: User
  3. Last Name: NWH Dermatology
  4. First Name: Front Desk
  5. Email: email@email.com
  6. Organization: Select the Organization the (team?) belongs to
  7. User Name: NWHDermatologyFrontDesk (no spaces)
  8. Default Site: Select the Site the (team?) belongs to
  9. Password: password
  10. Profession: Other
  11. Save
  12. VTB: TWUser Admin > HTB User Admin

A user is created called "Front Desk Staff". A task view is then created called "Front Desk Tasks" and the Assigned To filter set to "Front Desk Staff". This task view is then assigned to all the front desk users. Doctors can then assign tasks to "Front Desk Staff" and all users assigned the view "Front Desk Tasks" can see it.)

(Review Defualt Overdue Time Settings)

(In the 'Task Names' dictionary open each task and modify the Default Overdue Time Settings)

(Testing Task Views)

  1. Log in to TouchWorks as a user assigned to the view
  2. Click on the Tasks Tab from the Vertical Tool Bar
  3. Click on the Task List Tab from the Horizontal Tool Bar
  4. From the View drop down Menu find the view