Default Performing Location

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Build Workbook Tasks

  • Confirm that the Requested Performing Location dictionary is accurately populated
  • Confirm that the Requested Performing Location Picklists are the same as what exists in the V10 environment.
  • Set the Default Requested Performing Location using SSMT
    • For Items with only one Requested Performing Location, use the SSMT category OID-Orderable Item Dictionary
    • For Items with more than one Requested Performing Location, use the SSMT category SSMT: OID - Order Defaults - Insurance/PatientLocation/Site

Setting the Default Requested Performing Location

When upgrading from v10 to v11, the default performing location for orders does not come over. Complete the following steps to set the defaults:

Note: For items with only one requested performing location, the default performing location can be set in the OID- Orderable Item Dictionary. For Items with more than one performing location, follow the steps below to set the default performing location

  1. Log into SSMT for v10 production system and extract the category 'Order Insurance Performing Locations' this category will show any default performing locations set in v10 including defaults for site and/or insurance.
  2. Go to TWAdmin > Dictionaries > Requested Performing Dictionary
  3. Verify all the Requested Performing Locations are correct
  4. Create a picklist. This picklist will limit the options in the drop down when associated with an Orderable Item.
  5. Extract the SSMT category SSMT: OID - Order Defaults - Insurance/PatientLocation/Site
  6. Copy/Paste the contents into a properly formatted spreadsheet and sort the sheet by orderable item and sequence to ensure all combinations are together.
  7. Enter the picklists for the appropriate Orderables in the ReqPerfLocationPickList column.
  8. Enter the default requested performing location for the appropriate orderables by placing the Name (not Code or Mnemonic) in the useDef Request Performing Location column. The Default Performing Location has to be part of the picklist.
    (Leaving Insurance, Patient Loc and Site columns blank will set the general default performing location for the orderable item or this can be set in the OID (see last bullet)
  9. Insert enough rows to compensate for the different default combinations possible for this oderable item and enter those combinations on the corresponding rows.
  10. Change the sequence number to 0 for ALL rows being entered! The stored procedure will take care of what the actual sequence numbers should be during the load.
  11. Set the Sequence number to 0 to the appropriate Orderables in the Sequence column.
  12. Copy/Paste the rows into SSMT and load.
  13. To verify, add the orderable item in TW and/or re-extract the category to see how the sequence numbers are now set.
  • Extract the OID from SSMT (by category) and then set the Default Performing Location(DefReqPerfLocation). The Default Performing Location has to be part of the picklist, and the Name (not Code or Mnemonic) is used.