ConnectR Post Proc Script

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In an EHR-inbound microbiology results interface, messages received by the vendor need to be reformatted to enable proper processing.


Utilization of a post-processing script can facilitate re-formatting of the HL7 message. The target system would then pass the output to another source system such that the message can be processed through a normal inbound interface (HL7->stored procedure).

First define a post-proc script within ConnectR with the desired logic. In the example shown below, the ConnectR VBScript reformats the micro OBX records into a custom MOBX report SSH.

Function PostProcess(sOriginalMessage, sMappedMessage)
On Error Resume Next
PostProcessSS = sMappedMessage
   Dim OBX
   Dim LastNbr
   Dim MOBXLabel()
   Dim MOBXDesc()
   EOLChar = vbCr
   'EOLChar = vbCrLf  'testing

   LastNbr = ""
   LastORG = ""
   Erase MOBXLabel
   Erase MOBXDesc
   Dim AbnormalFlag(10)
   Dim AbnormalDesc(10)
   AbnormalFlag(0) = "S"
   AbnormalFlag(1) = "R"
  AbnormalFlag(2) = "N"
   AbnormalFlag(3) = "I"
   AbnormalDesc(0) = "     S     "
   AbnormalDesc(1) = "     R     "
   AbnormalDesc(2) = " "
    AbnormalDesc(3) = "     I     "
    AbnormalFlag(4) = "Rx"
    AbnormalDesc(4) = "     Rx     "

   LabelMax = 0
   '*  Strip unwanted control chars
    sMappedMessage = Replace(sMappedMessage, Chr(11), "")
    sMappedMessage = Replace(sMappedMessage, Chr(28), "")
    SEGArray = Split(sMappedMessage, Chr(13), -1)      '* Create Array based on remaining CR

    SEGCnt = UBound(SEGArray) - 2    ' Account for Null and end of array
    ReDim MOBXLabel(SEGCnt)  'Dynamic Array
    ReDim MOBXDesc(SEGCnt)   'Dynamic Array

    OBSCnt = 0
    For xx = 0 To SEGCnt
      TextStreamIn = SEGArray(xx)
      OBS = Split(TextStreamIn, "|", -1) ' Break into an OBX Array
      If OBS(0) = "OBR" Then
            OBR15append = ""
            If OBS(1) = "1" Then
                inText = "ORDER PROC: "
                sArray = Split(OBS(15) & "^^^^^^", "^")
                If sArray(0) <> "" Then OBR15append = ";  " & sArray(0) & ", " & sArray(3)
                OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1  ' Add a blank Line
                Call ResizeArray(MOBXLabel, MOBXDesc, NEWCnt) 'resize Dynamic Array
                MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = ""
                MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) = ""
                inText = "ORGANISM: "
            End If
            OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1
            Call Labeling(inText, LabelMax)
            MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = inText
            inText = OBS(4)
            Call ParseV3(inText)
            MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) = inText & OBR15append
       End If  ' End OBR
      If OBS(0) = "NTE" Then

            oText = OBS(3) & "\.br\"

            NLine = Split(oText, "\.br\", -1)  'force an array
            NLCnt = UBound(NLine) - 1
            Call ResizeArray(MOBXLabel, MOBXDesc, NLCnt + 1) 'Dynamic Array

            For nlx = 0 To NLCnt
                inText = " "
                OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1
                Call Labeling(inText, LabelMax)
                MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = inText
                inText = NLine(nlx)
                MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) = inText

            'OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1  'Blank Line
            'MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = ""
            'MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = ""
       End If  ' End NTE
        If OBS(0) = "OBX" Then
         'Format Text line
            inText = OBS(3)
            If inText = "ORGANISM" Then inText = inText & " #" & OBS(4)
            Call Labeling(inText, LabelMax)
            Label = inText
            ABNormal = ""
            If OBS(2) = "ST" And OBS(8) <> "" Then
                ABNormal = " "
                       Call TextCheck(OBS(8), lpos, AbnormalFlag)
                If lpos >= 0 Then ABNormal = AbnormalDesc(lpos) & "   "
            End If
            oText = OBS(5)
            NewLine = InStr(oText, "\.br\")  ' Check for new line to trigger additional segiments
            If NewLine Then
                NLine = Split(oText, "\.br\", -1)
                oText = NLine(0)  '  Reset oText to first Value
                NEWCnt = UBound(NLine)
                Call ResizeArray(MOBXLabel, MOBXDesc, NEWCnt) 'Dynamic Array
                inText = oText
                Call ParseV2(inText)
                oText = inText
            End If
            OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1
            MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = Label
            MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) = MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) & " " & ABNormal & oText

            If NewLine Then
              NlineCnt = UBound(NLine)
              For Nlinex = 1 To NlineCnt
                  OBSCnt = OBSCnt + 1
                  MOBXLabel(OBSCnt) = Label
                  MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) = MOBXDesc(OBSCnt) & " " & NLine(Nlinex)
            End If

        End If   ' OBX end if
    ' Build out routine
    OutPutMessage = Chr(11)
    For x = 0 To SEGCnt
       OutPutMessage = OutPutMessage & SEGArray(x) & EOLChar
    ' Add New MOBX segiments to end of file
    For x = 1 To (OBSCnt)
            LabelLen = Len(MOBXLabel(x))
            LabelSpace = LabelMax - LabelLen
            FormatText = "MOBX|" & x & "|" & MOBXLabel(x) & Space(LabelSpace) & LTrim(MOBXDesc(x))
            OutPutMessage = OutPutMessage & FormatText & EOLChar

    OutPutMessage = OutPutMessage & Chr(28) & Chr(13)

PostProcess = OutPutMessage

End Function

' ==Called Subroutines

Sub TextCheck(text2find, pos, inArray)
txtDelim = "|"
textString = Join(inArray, txtDelim)
pos = UBound(Split(Mid(textString, 1, InStr(textString, text2find)), txtDelim))
End Sub

Sub Labeling(inText, LabelMax)

Call ParseV2(inText)
Label = inText & ":"
If Len(Label) + 2 > LabelMax Then LabelMax = Len(Label) + 2  'Find longest label length
inText = Label

End Sub

Sub ParseV2(inText)
pos3 = InStr(inText, "^")
inText = mid(intext,(Instr(intext,"^"))+1,InStr(Mid(intext,pos3+1),"^")-1)
'inText = Mid(inText, pos3 + 1, Len(inText))
'pos2 = instr (intext, "^")
'intx = Mid(inText, 1, pos2 -1)
'intext = intx
End Sub

Sub ParseV3(inText)
pos3 = InStr(inText, "^")
inText = mid(intext,(Instr(intext,"^"))+1,InStr(Mid(intext,pos3+1),"^")-1)

End Sub

Sub ResizeArray(MOBXLabel, MOBXDesc, sizeIncrease)
CurCnt = UBound(MOBXDesc)
ReDim Preserve MOBXLabel(sizeIncrease + CurCnt)  'Dynamic Array
ReDim Preserve MOBXDesc(sizeIncrease + CurCnt)   'Dynamic Array
End Sub

Next modify the interface mapping to select a Script Type of "Post Script" and specify the script to be the one just created as shown below: CxRPostProcScript.jpg