SSMT: Site Location

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The Site Location SSMT content category is primarily used for managing the relationship between Site Locations (such as exam rooms, procedure rooms, waiting rooms, etc.) and Sites. It serves to populate the Location drop down on the Clinical Toolbar to assist with waiting room management. It will also create new Site Locations if you happen to enter a new and unique Site Location that does not already exist in the system.

Stored Procedures used:

  • Extracting data: IMPGetSiteLocation
  • Loading data: IMPSetSiteLocation

Column Listing and Descriptions

  • Entry Code - this is the unique entry code for the Site Location. If you are adding a new Site Location you can define this value. If you are mapping an already existing Site Location to a new Site then be sure to specify the Site Location Entry Code that will match what has already been built.
   * Storage:
   * Works.dbo.Site_Location_De.EntryCode
  • Entry Name - this is the description for the Site Location and is will be displayed on in the Clinical Toolbar to the user. If you are adding a new Site Location you can define this value. If you are mapping an already existing Site Location to a new Site then be sure to specify the Site Location Entry Name that will match what has already been built.
   * Storage:
   * Works.dbo.Site_Location_De.EntryName
  • Entry Mnemonic - this is the unique entry mnemonic for the Site Location. If you are adding a new Site Location you can define this value; it will typically mirror the entry code value. If you are mapping an already existing Site Location to a new Site then be sure to specify the Site Location Entry Mnemonic that will match what has already been built.
   * Storage:
   * Works.dbo.Site_Location_De.EntryMnemonic
  • SiteEntryCode - this field should reference the Entry Code value of the Site that you are mapping the Site Location to. It is recommended to pull the Entry Code directly from the Site dictionary to ensure consistency. The Site must must exist prior to doing this.
   * Storage:
   * Works.dbo.Site_De.EntryCode
  • SiteEntryName - this field should reference the Entry Name of the Site that you are mapping the Site Location to. It is recommended to pull this description directly from the Site dictionary to ensure consistency. The Site must exist prior to doing this.
   * Storage:
   * Works.dbo.Site_De.EntryName
  • Sequence - the default and common value for this field is '0'. By default the Site Locations will sort in alphabetical order in the Patient Location drop down list on the Clinical Toolbar.
  • IsInactive - this field is used to manage the activation or deactivation of Site Location entries.
   * Y - this will deactivate the Site Location entry.
   * N - this should be the value set for establishing new mappings between Site Locations and Sites.
  • Create? - this field is used to specify whether or not the Site Location being loaded is new or already exists. Valid values for this column are:
   * Y - this will add the Site Location to the Site Location dictionary if it is a new and unique Site Location.
   * N - this flag should be used when the Site Location you are mapping to the Site already exists in the Site Location dictionary.
  • DeleteFlag? - this field is used to maintain or delete the mapping between Site and Site Location. Valid values for this column are:
   * Y - will delete the mapping between the given Site and Site Location.  It will NOT delete the site location itself.
   * N - will not attempt to delete the mapping between the given Site and Site Location.